SNC Hires 14 Recent Graduates

South Nation Conservation’s (SNC) is pleased to hire 14 recent graduates to give them experience in their field right out of their post-secondary education.
“We’re proud to be in the position of giving jobs to talented recent graduates,” said SNC General Manager Dennis O’Grady, adding that “the internship program is a great way to assess future full-time employees and to give them the opportunity to gain experience.”
Many of the interns are from the region such as Berwick, Newington, Cornwall, Prescott, and the City of Ottawa. Some interns were recruited from Southern Ontario and one as far as Alberta.
The interns are working in Engineering, Communications, Community Lands and Planning. It is a great opportunity for the recent graduates to be able to work in the fields that interest them. It can help them to decide what their future goals may be.
“Working at SNC requires you to consider new and exciting ways to promote a connection between the community and the environment,” said Holly Stemberger, a University of Alberta graduate, where she studied Biology and Agriculture. Holly added that, “from education events, communication products, and producing reports, the work here has been incredibly diverse and rewarding for me!”
Through various supporters, SNC was able to recruit the interns. The interns attain experience to their areas of study, and receive many opportunities to network and learn about environmental management.
Mentored every step of the way, the interns get a great understanding of the environmental impacts around them, as well as the ins and outs of working for a non-forprofit organization.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Hannah Jackson, 1-877-984-2948 ext. 231,