SNC Ends Drought Advisory

As of December 7, 2016, South Nation Conservation (SNC) has lifted the 6-month Drought Advisory triggered by a dry spring and summer.
Since June, SNC’s Water Response Team composed of representatives from municipal and provincial government, the agricultural community, and other special interest groups frequently met to discuss the drought conditions and the noted impacts to the community.
The drought advisories began in June as a possible water supply problem (Level 1) was identified. As the dry weather continued, the SNC jurisdiction was upgraded to a moderate drought advisory (Level 2) and in late-August, the western part of SNC’s jurisdiction was upgraded to a severe drought advisory (Level 3).
Thanks to a wet fall, the ground is saturated and rivers and streams are flowing, which prompted SNC’s Water Response Team to lift the drought advisory.
SNC has noted the effects of the drought may be felt for a number of years on trees. SNC completes survival assessments of SNC tree plantations and noted a lower first-year survival than normal. In particular, some hardwood seedlings suffered premature leaf drop and many conifers dried up.
SNC will continue to monitor precipitation and streamflows and will provide updates as required.
To report any unusual water-related problems please contact SNC at 1-877-984-2948 or Send us your photos on Facebook (/SouthNationConservation), or Tweet us your photos (@SouthNationCA).
For more information about this notice contact Sandra Mancini at 1-877-984-2948 ext. 223 or Golam Sharif at ext. 373.