Rain Improves Drought Conditions in Parts of SNC Jurisdiction

The South Nation Conservation (SNC) Water Response Team has downgraded the Lower South Nation, Bear Brook and Castor River Subwatersheds to Level I (minor) low water conditions effective August 13, 2020.
In the past couple of weeks Eastern Ontario has received significant rainfall, bringing some relief to drought conditions and helping to replenish ground and surface water across the three subwatersheds.
The Upper South Nation Subwatershed continues to experience Level II (moderate) low water conditions due to persistent hot and dry weather in the region.
Domestic, commercial, and agricultural water consumers can help mitigate the impacts of low water conditions by implementing efficiencies and reducing their water consumption by 10% (Level I) and 20% (Level II) through limiting non-essential use (e.g. lawn watering, car washing, etc.). Residents should be aware of their municipality's water conservation and fire by-laws.
Landowners are encouraged to contact SNC through an online portal on SNC’s website if they are experiencing any problems with their wells or if they have any concerns and information to share with staff.
SNC has also developed an online survey for farmers to report their low water concerns and observations from this year’s drought. Anonymous survey data will be used to measure the severity of low water conditions and will be shared with stakeholders to guide future drought response and fund development for drought support programs.
SNC's Water Response Team, created under the Ontario Low Water Response program, consists of representatives from provincial and municipal governments, agriculture, and special interest groups. SNC will continue to monitor watershed conditions and will provide updates as required.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Omar Kana’n, Water Resources Specialist – Engineering, 613-984-2948, okanan@nation.on.ca.
MEDIA CONTACT: Taylor Campbell, Communications Specialist, 613-984-2948, tcampbell@nation.on.ca.