SNC Works with Municipalities and Property Owners to Protect Local Drinking Water

Raisin-South Nation Source Protection program reached a milestone with the completion and signing of the first Risk Management Plan.
“SNC is pleased to announce the signing of the first Risk Management Plan”, said Tessa Di Iorio, South Nation Conservation’s (SNC) Hydrogeologist and Risk Management Official.
As part of the Raisin-South Nation Source Protection Plan policies that took effect April 1st 2015, SNC and Raisin Region Conservation Authority staff continue to deliver these policies on behalf of 18 Municipalities. Implementation will continue through 2016 with extended Source Water Protection funding.
“The creation of the Risk Management Plan involves working with property owners who live in vulnerable areas, or areas close to municipal drinking water sources, to promote education and best management practices, to help keep local drinking water safe,” said Di Iorio.
Approximately 285 Risk Management Plans will be developed and implemented in vulnerable areas throughout the Raisin-South Nation Source Protection Region. Vulnerable areas are locations that are prone to impact drinking water sources. Prior to signing the Risk Management Plan, property owners receive tips on how to conduct their activities in a safe manner to keep municipal drinking water safe.
The signing of the first Risk Management Plan comes on the heels of the approval of all 22 Source Protection Plans across Ontario’s 36 Conservation Authorities, by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC).
Source Protection staff are working on the ground to facilitate programs such as the Safe Septic Program and agricultural site visits that are well received, and help build relationships with property owners located in vulnerable areas.
Education and outreach are important policy tools under the Plan; a suite of educational materials such as fuel tank tags, factsheets, brochures and informational kits are available for property owners.
Under the Clean Water Act, 2006, the implementation of the Raisin-South Nation Source Protection Plan keeps contaminants out of municipal drinking water systems including surface water intakes and ground water wells.
The Plan and its policies can be found at
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Tessa Di Iorio, 877-984-2948, ext. 305.