Local Youth Participated in SNC / Delta Waterfowl Hunter Apprenticeship Program

For the ninth year in a row, a partnership between South Nation Conservation and Delta Waterfowl has resulted in a fully subscribed Youth Hunt. This year’s group included 10 youth; 7 boys and 3 girls.
The program is all about introducing local, young people to the Hunter Apprenticeship Safety Program, which includes the Hunters Safety course, and the Canadian Firearms course. For 9 years running, all 10 available spots have been filled by young people, aged 12-15, keen to learn about hunting regulations, safety, and ethics. All costs including meals, training, and manuals are covered by the organizers.
SNC Property and Approvals Assistant II, Phil Duncan, said the event is designed to get young hunters off on the right foot so they grow up practicing good values every time they go out. “We’re training the conservationists of tomorrow to respect safety, wildlife, habitat, and private property.”
This year’s program took place over 3 weekends in September with a final goose hunt in October.
As long as licenses are in place, safety regulations are closely followed, and permission is obtained in advance, hunting is permitted on many SNC forested properties across the 4,384 km2 jurisdiction. SNC’s hunting fee is now waived for youth under 18 years of age when accompanied by an adult with a valid SNC hunting permission letter. SNC properties that permit hunting can be viewed on SNC’s Geoportal at nation.on.ca.
Residents are reminded to keep themselves and their pets safe outdoors this time of year by wearing high visibility clothing. Colours like bright orange will make sure you’re noticeable to other park users, and keep you safe while out enjoying the beautiful fall weather!
For more information: Philip Duncan, pduncan@nation.on.ca or 1-877-984-2848, ext. 292