SNC Hosts TD Tree Days Community Planting Event in North Dundas

Thanks to the support of TD Tree Days, dozens of volunteers gathered on Sunday, September 17th to help South Nation Conservation (SNC) plant 280 trees at the Oak Valley Pioneer Park, in the Township of North Dundas.
The South Nation River at Oak Valley experiences significant erosion and bank slumping due to past river straightening activities, increased water velocities, and loss of tree cover. As a result, the riverbank between Cass Bridge and Oak Valley needs remediation to reduce erosion and sedimentation and to improve water quality and biodiversity.
SNC, with support from the Volunteers of Oak Valley Pioneer Park, has secured a total of $196,200 in funding from federal, industry and local partners to support the Oak Valley Streambank Restoration Project.
Last Spring, river surveys were completed to help design erosion control improvements that will incorporate natural infrastructure to build a more resilient shoreline. Work to stabilize the shoreline will begin this Fall and continue in Spring 2024.
“It’s great to kick off the Oak Valley restoration project with the TD Tree Days. The trees and shrubs we plant will help repair the eroding banks of this section of the river,” said Brent Harbers, SNC’s Watershed Biologist. “Support from community partners like TD Friends of the Environment help us protect and enhance the local environment,” adds Harbers.
Native trees and shrubs including varieties of Dogwood, Willow, Sumac, and Buttonbush, were planted along the riverbank to widen the existing riparian buffer, reduce erosion, increase biodiversity, and add to local forest cover.
Every year, SNC adds thousands of trees to the local landscape by working with its partner municipalities, landowners, and community partners. This year, SNC has planted 196,910 trees and will have planted it’s 4 millionth tree since 1990.
The TD Tree Days initiative aims to plant 1 million trees across Canada by 2030 through working with municipalities, Conservation Authorities, and First Nations.
“We have to thank the TD staff and our community volunteers for being here today to help us plant these shrubs and trees,” added Harbers. “This park was created by volunteers and continues to be cared for by SNC, Oak Valley volunteers and community partnerships.”
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Erin Thorne, Communications Specialist, 1-877-984-2948,