Register for SNC/ Live and Learn annual golf tournament

For the second year in a row, South Nation Conservation (SNC) and the Live and Learn Resource Centre are co-hosting a golf tournament at Metcalfe Golf Club on August 12th.
Tee-off is at 1:15 p.m.; cost is $100 per golfer for 18 holes, including power cart and dinner.
SNC is partnering with the Metcalfe Live and Learn Resource Centre that provides playgroups and other services to young families living in rural south Ottawa. The partners will share net profits from the tournament.
“Live and Learn will use their proceeds to continue to provide their wide variety of programs for pre-school children in the Osgoode Ward. SNC’s proceeds will improve accessibility at various Conservation Areas and support stewardship programs such as the Forest Stewards Program,” said Ronda Boutz, SNC Team Lead, Communications and Outreach. “Tournament supporters can’t go wrong.”
Tournament Chairman and SNC Board of Directors Chairman, Doug Thompson, encourages players to register early as spaces are limited. “We welcome sponsors and prizes for our event. We are seeking Gold sponsors ($500), Silver sponsors ($300), and Bronze sponsors ($100). Give us a call to learn about sponsorship incentives.”
Hole-in-one cash prizes, a silent auction, prize wheel, hole challenges and more are planned for this fun event.
Adele Clark, SNC, 877-984-2948, ext. 236.
Marlene Shepheard, Rural Family Connections, 613-821-2899.