SNC Spring Cleanup Event: South Nation Cache In Trash Out

April 13, 2017
With the last little bit of snow cover long gone, a winter’s worth of garbage accumulation is now revealed, just in time for the 8th annual South Nation Cache-In, Trash-Out (SNCITO) event hosted by South Nation Conservation (SNC) and the Geocachers of Eastern Ontario.
This year’s rain-or-shine event will be held Saturday, April 29th beginning at 9 a.m. Participants are asked to meet at the Navan Fairground to register and to dress according to the weather with good working clothes, footwear and gloves. Garbage bags and other supplies will be provided.
Holly Stemberger, SNC Community Lands Assistant, says “This event is particularly special as we celebrate SNC’s 70th anniversary, and the 150th anniversary of Canada. With the volunteer support from all parts of Eastern Ontario, we expect an especially successful community event that garners appreciation for our local environment.”
The cleanup will focus on pre-selected sites at nearby parks, trails and other public spaces. Participants will be separated into groups to tackle the various locations. Everyone involved will regroup at the Navan Fairground by 12:30 p.m. for a free lunch, group photo and prizes.
Over the years, CITO has been held at Conservation Areas and communities throughout South Nation’s jurisdiction extending from the Ottawa River near Plantagenet, to the St. Lawrence River east of Prescott. Everyone is encouraged to attend; the event is not limited to geocachers.
A surprising amount of trash and “odd relics from the woods” are amassed every year. Perhaps among the most memorable items recovered were a Volkswagen Beetle, and a discarded porcelain toilet.
“We expect to have another tremendous volunteer turnout from the geocaching community,” said Tim Jackson who has been coordinating the event from its inception. A former SNC employee, Jackson is an award-winning member of the Geocachers of Eastern Ontario.
For those not yet in the loop, the basic idea of geocaching is to locate containers hidden outdoors, examine the contents, and share discoveries online.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Holly Stemberger, SNC, 1-877-984-2948, ext. 288,