Weather Forecast:
Rainfall of up to 50 mm is forecast to begin Thursday, December 24th, and will continue into Friday morning, December 25th, 2020.
Environmental Conditions:
Water levels across the jurisdiction are typical for this time of the year. Soils are frozen and there is an average amount of snow cover across the jurisdiction.
Precipitation, above freezing temperatures and snowmelt may result in higher than normal water levels throughout the watershed.
Residents are advised to exercise caution when near watercourses as flows may rapidly increase and cause slippery banks. Residents are also advised to stay off all frozen bodies of water. Parents are encouraged to explain these dangers to their children.
This statement is in effect until Monday, January 4th, 2021.
SNC monitors water levels and weather forecasts as part of the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program. Updates are provided as conditions change.
Please visit www.nation.on.ca for more information. To provide feedback with respect to changes in water related conditions please email waterwatch@nation.on.ca, post on our Facebook (/SouthNationConservation) or Twitter (@SouthNationCA).
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Omar Kana’n, Water Resources Specialist – Engineering,
1-877-984-2948, okanan@nation.on.ca.
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