South Nation Conservation (SNC)’s Water Response Team is continuing with the level II (moderate) drought conditions originally issued on July 8, 2016.
Since issuing a moderate drought warning at the beginning of July, SNC staff continuously monitor rainfall, streamflow and water level conditions and have not seen conditions improve over the last month. Moderate water supply issues continue to be observed across the jurisdiction.
The recent rainfall has improved precipitation and contributed to the July monthly average, however, surface water and streamflows remain well below average with less than 50% of normal levels for this time of year.
Although Environment Canada’s 3 month forecast for August to October indicates above normal temperatures and precipitation for most of Eastern Ontario, a significant amount of rainfall across the jurisdiction would be required for conditions to return to normal. The weather forecasts no significant rainfall in the next couple of weeks.
SNC continues to receive reports of dry wells from residents across the jurisdiction. Many small streams are beginning to dry up; creeks and rivers showing increasing algae growth and decreasing water quality.
Residents, businesses and other industries throughout the jurisdiction can help by reducing their water consumption by 20%, and limiting non-essential uses (e.g. lawn watering, car washing, etc.). Landowners should be aware of their municipality’s water and fire By-laws.
Landowners, businesses, and industries are encouraged to contact SNC if they are experiencing any unusual water-related problems.
SNC’s Water Response Team, created under the Ontario Low Water Response Program, consists of representatives from provincial and municipal governments, agriculture and other special interest groups. SNC will continue to monitor watershed conditions and will provide updates as required.
For more information, contact: Sandra Mancini at 1-877-984-2948 ext. 223 or Golam Sharif at ext. 373.