SNC Works with Residents, Organizations and Municipalities to Plant Trees

It’s that time of year… time to plant trees.
For over 20 years, South Nation Conservation (SNC) has offered community tree planting services within its jurisdiction. This year, SNC is pleased to announce that over 140,000 trees will be planted, contributing to the region’s forest cover.
“Community and residential tree planting is a great way to help boost local forest cover,” says Cheyene Ramsey SNC Forestry Technician.” “Tree planting not only helps increase property value and local forest cover, but promotes forest connectivity and wildlife habitat.”
SNC offers property owners, organizations and member Municipalities a variety of tree planting subsidies for idle land, stream banks and buffer strips. Over-the-counter sales are also available for smaller orders and are accepted year-round.
On Wednesday, May 4, 10,000 trees will be planted in Champlain Township on 12 acres of land. This is the largest tree planting project in over two years.
On Saturday, May 7, 450 trees will be planted on Municipal land, in partnership with La Nation Municipality and Scouts Canada. SNC partnered with Ontario Power Generation to fund this event.
While orders have already been delivered for 2016, SNC urges residents to book their seedlings for next year. In addition to community tree planting events, many organizations also provide free tree giveaways to property owners in select locations. On April 24, as part of Earth Day activities, the annual Findlay Creek Shrub Give Away and Spring Clean-up took place for residents of Findlay Creek.
This SNC tree planting event was offered in partnership with the City of Ottawa, the Findlay Creek Community Association, and Tartan and Tamarack Homes.
There will also be a tree giveaway in Moose Creek on May 21, delivered in partnership with Lafleche Environmental Inc.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Cheyene Ramsey, 877-984-2948, ext.295.