In 2016, South Nation Conservation (SNC) completed a three-year Biodiversity Project in partnership with Ontario Power Generation (OPG). The Project restored habitats for plants and animals in Woodlands, Wetlands and Grasslands! Project deliverables and highlights can be discovered below.
Woodlands provide many ecological services including; carbon sequestration, oxygen release, and reduce the risks of flooding and erosion. The partnership allowed the expansion of SNC’s Woodlot Advisory and tree planting services:
- 2,700 acres of woodland assessed for Species at Risk; and
- 100,000 trees planted over three years.
Grassland bird species such as the Eastern meadowlark, Loggerhead shrike and Bobolink, as well as pollinators require healthy grassland habitat. Grasslands foster pollination, seed dispersal, and pest control. Under OPG’s Regional Biodiversity Program:
- 60 acres of vital grassland habitat was created at Reveler Conservation Area; and
- A total of 150 acres of grassland was restored in Eastern Ontario.
Wetlands provide habitat and food sources for many species. Healthy wetlands reduce the occurrence of floods, sustain water during dry spells, and increase spawning opportunities for fish. Wetland enhancement activities conducted by SNC included:
- 300 lbs of wild rice sown throughout SNC jurisdiction, to increase cultural values and food sources for wildlife;
- 30 Wood duck boxes installed at the Leitrim and Hoasic Wetlands;
- 3 vernal pools created at Robert Graham Conservation Area; and
- Installation of turtle nesting platforms at safe and suitable turtle nesting sites, to ensure the longevity of rare turtle species.