"State of the Nation" 2023 Watershed Report Card
South Nation Conservation monitors the health of natural resources in the watershed because it helps to better understand the local environmental issues, to focus actions where they are needed the most, and track progress over time.
Watershed Report Cards are a means of collecting and reporting on surface water quality, forest conditions and groundwater over a five-year cycle. They also provide a summary of key watershed features and actions being undertaken locally. These reports provide local residents and agencies with easily understood environmental information.
To access Watershed Report Cards from all of Ontario's 36 Conservation Authorities, visit www.watershedcheckup.ca!
Sub-Watershed Reports:
There are a number of reasons why water quality and tree and wetland cover change over time, including development and agriculture. To be able to monitor these trends across the watershed, we prepare annual reports using Geographic Information System (GIS) maps and text that reflect Point in Time results. SNC conducts sub-watershed studies that look at these indicators that speak to the health of the watershed.
We are committed to gathering and monitoring relevant information about the condition of our watershed resources and features. These efforts help us better understand watershed trends and focus resource management actions where they are needed the most.
SNC reports on the South Nation River’s five major sub-watersheds: